Fly Legacy Aviation is the preeminent flight school in the Philadelphia region that offers FAA certified programs for professional as well as recreational pilots. Fly Legacy is conveniently located at the Northeast Philadelphia Airport, with 7,000-feet and 5,000-feet runways and an operating control tower. From a training standpoint you couldn’t ask for a safer and more professional environment. Fly Legacy Aviation offers an experienced team of 19 professional instructor pilots and a growing fleet of new Piper aircraft with its own maintenance department. Fly Legacy Aviation is FAA, VA, and DHS (SEVIS) approved.
Our Flight School Courses
We offer everything from private pilot training to twin-engine ratings, basic spin and instrument instruction.
Our Flight School Programs
Our programs provide you with a comprehensive learning experience and a defined path to employment.
Our Team
Fly Legacy Aviation has top-notch professionals to help you get your flight training. Come meet your flight instructor today.
Alexander Souponetsky
General Manager
Sebastian Strzyzewski
Chief Pilot Instructor
Cheryl Benish
Assistant Chief Pilot
Why Train With Fly Legacy Aviation?
Our flight school provides training under both sets of FAA training regulations, FAR part 141 and FAR part 61. Legacy Aviation will train pilots from the United States and from countries throughout the world. Why train with Fly Legacy Aviation? Well, we offer an experienced team of professional instructor pilots, a growing fleet of high wing and low wing aircraft, and we are positioned on a terrific airport that has a 7000 foot instrument runway, a 5000 runway, and an operating control tower. From a training standpoint you couldn’t ask for a safer and more professional environment. In addition, we are located in the northeast corridor between Philadelphia and Trenton, which forces us to become very familiar with class B, C, and D airspace. In becoming familiar with the airspace that they are flying into, our students are immediately taught to respect the airspace, and to avoid any potential violations.
On a weekly basis hundreds of corporate jets and turboprops are transiting the traffic pattern. Our students are taught to work in unison with these aircraft, helping to create a much safer traffic pattern. Exposing students to normal everyday commercial aircraft traffic is great experience. From the beginning, our students are trained to work professionally with air traffic control during pre-taxi, taxi, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, approach, landing, and the missed approach phases of flight. During each and every flight, our students are developing habit patterns for excellent communication skills. They are taught to work with Ground Control, Tower Control, Approach Control, Departure Control, Clearance Delivery, and to secure a current weather briefing from the ATIS before every takeoff and every landing. This is very valuable experience and essential for every professional pilot.
A third reason that you might consider training at Fly Legacy Aviation in Philadelphia rather than a flight school in Florida or Arizona, is that while you are doing your training you will be exposed to the four seasons of the year rather than just the warm climate. This real time experience is priceless. As cold weather operations and hot weather operations are very different, training during the four seasons of the year will help a student to prepare for the real world. To experience first-hand a frost on an aircraft, a taxiway with patchy snow or ice, or a cold engine on a morning when the outside air temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit, this is high quality practical education. As all aircraft have a hot and cold weather section that relate to the performance of an aircraft, the immediate benefit to training with Fly Legacy Aviation is that we offer flight lessons in more realistic training environment.